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Food traceability is the ability to trace each ingredient of a food product through the entire supply chain – from suppliers and manufacturers, through assembly, and delivery to customers.

Why is Food Traceability Important?

Below are three things every manufacturer should know about food traceability.

1. Food Traceability Will Be a Food Industry Requirement

Digital food traceability is becoming an industry requirement in the food manufacturing industry. One of the main reasons for this is an increased emphasis on food safety and preventing food borne illnesses before they happen. Current FDA regulations require many in the food industry to track and document one step forward (where food has gone) and one step back (foods immediate previous source).

To keep up with new food production and delivery methods, the FDA is taking a new approach to food safety. The FDA is leveraging technology to create a safer and more digitally traceable food system. The goal of these new steps is to establish a standardized approach to traceability, and encourage the food industry to use more digital systems in the future.

2. Traceability Helps Manufacturers Respond Quickly to a Recall

Recalls happen when you least expect and have big implications for your business. Revenue is lost because of recalled product and the long-term damage done to your brand can take years to repair.

Having a digital system in place that provides traceability allows you to take action immediately when a recall happens. A digital system can associate ingredients with finished products and provide instant information about their location. You can quickly determine which ingredients are affected, locate products that have already been sold, and notify customers. This saves time and money and allows you to better communicate with customers.

3. Traceability Can Be Achieved by all Manufacturers

Whether you are a small or large food manufacturer, barcode labeling and scanning can be used to track inventory and products in real-time. These tools provide lot traceability for food manufacturers, which tracks each ingredient of a product through the entire supply chain and allows you to locate products quickly. This saves both time and money and increases the safety of food.

At WiSys, we use barcodes and mobile scanners for real-time lot tracking and reporting. This provides the tools needed to achieve food traceability and comply with food safety regulations by ensuring products can be traced from farm to fork.

Supply Chain Management Software for Food Industry Manufacturers

For food and beverage manufacturers, traceability is the ability to trace each ingredient of a product through the entire supply chain. WiSys uses barcodes and mobile scanners for real-time lot tracking and reporting. This provides the tools needed to comply with food safety regulations by ensuring products can be traced from farm to fork. Contact us to learn more.