How to Prepare for a Warehouse Management System (WMS) Implementation
Are you thinking about implementing a real-time Warehouse Management System? Watch this free webinar recording to hear best practices for getting your people, processes and facilities geared up.
During the webinar, three WiSys customers share how they prepared for a WMS implementation. You will hear their perspective about what it takes to get an organization geared up for a Warehouse Management System.
The companies featured in the webinar are:
Chemaid Laboratories
John Slootmaker
Manager of IT Services
Ronald Cortes
Project Manager – Operation
Chemaid is a premier formulator providing contract manufacturing services to the beauty industry.
Manny Martinez
Director of IT
GPA is the largest independent provider of specialty printable substrate solutions in North America.
IFS Coatings
Enrique Aguirre
IFS Coatings is a world class manufacturer of high quality powder coatings. Enrique is a former Product Manager at WiSys.
This is your opportunity to hear from companies who did WMS right. You will be amazed at how this will streamline your operations and improve your customer service!