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food prepAccording to the CDC, 48 million people suffer from food borne illness each year and 3,000 die. In the past, action was only taken once someone got sick. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) seeks to change that and shift the focus to preventing illnesses before they happen and improve public health.

Food Manufacturers of all sizes will be required to comply with FSMA within the next few years. Below we review how you can start preparing.

Prevention Controls

Prevention controls must now be implemented and monitored in every food processing facility, including animal feed. These controls help ensure production and transport safety standards, stopping diseases from spreading and cross-contaminating foods.

This can include controlling temperatures during the cooking process and shipment to minimize and prevent hazards.

Imported Foods

Food safety verification needs to happen before food is shipped. Importers will now be responsible for verifying the safety of each food imported. The FDA will also be hiring third-party inspectors to check the facilities in other countries and assure they are complying with the standards of the USA.

If you import supplies from other countries, be sure that you understand the supply chain and know exactly where your products are coming from. This requires a strong relationship with your foreign supplier.


Traceability is the ability to track each ingredient of a product through the entire supply chain, from suppliers and manufacturers through assembly and delivery to customers. Traceability is a major part of FSMA because it allows action to be taken immediately and effectively in the case of a recall.

Whether you are a small or large food manufacturer, barcode labeling and scanning can be used to track inventory and products. Barcoding also allows you to automate processes and eliminate manual data entry that requires lots of time and can lead to errors.


FSMA will require inspections by third parties and testing of products by accredited laboratories. These inspections will include a review of your records and product tracking abilities. This gives the FDA mandatory recall authority and the ability to keep suspect food from being shipped.

To be sure that your facility is ready for inspection, follow and record your preventative controls and make sure you can trace your inventory and products throughout your supply chain.

How WiSys Can Help

Without automation tools like WiSys, compliance is nearly impossible. WiSys Supply Chain Management solutions provide the manufacturing automation tools needed to comply with FSMA’s food safety regulations. Barcodes and handheld scanners make real-time tracking and reporting possible so products can be traced from farm to fork.

More Information About FSMA

What is FSMA?

How does FSMA affect your business?

Review FSMA rules timeline